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peter1116 43 男性
17  文章
love   2009-06-23









1 評論, 51 瀏覽次數, 1 票 ,3.70 分數
peter1116 43 男性
17  文章
互相口交   2009-06-14

ۤf.... bffɳ̳wլO69fAiHMݨ̨pKA bf󿳾ġAhbffAbo~NӤwOƪ`ѡAڴNAhA ԰OGtYPVsIJtYIO̱ӷPaA hήBިEo2ӳ쵴|A fɼLھaYΧA̪VWHPBަh[EA|ݨbfLުA ЩDzPAObfRNPCV`fkbfPA ...

2 評論, 192 瀏覽次數, 8 票 ,3.71 分數
peter1116 43 男性
17  文章
多讚美bf性愛時的優點   2009-06-14

hgbfʷRɪuI ެOסBʫסBjpBʷRޥBŬXKB٬OeA `AgYӯSaIbRɳ̧ҿдe\nAӦ͡A@LA ޤ_unΡBnjBnʡBn`BnΪABnwB֨FBnFv ݧAbfAXgA̧AɪAγ̪yiDbfA A|Mo{bf԰ƦAAgLAG|MɰQ ]iOJgAu3HAoéInn`AQKiO...

0 評論, 14 瀏覽次數, 0 票
peter1116 43 男性
17  文章
在性愛時配合度要高   2009-06-14

在性愛時配合度要高 不管是各種性愛姿勢、性愛地點、性愛時段,我們幾乎有求必應,百依百順,當然, 這可能是我們二人經過這些年的溝通與彼此配合,都已完全陶醉在性愛的歡愉裡, 此外;不管平時是什麼形象,什麼職位,在二人裸裎相見時,就只有兩個人, ...

0 評論, 21 瀏覽次數, 0 票
peter1116 43 男性
17  文章
愛情 友情 親情   2009-06-13

愛情 友情 親情怎麼選擇.. 愛情ˋ友情ˋ親情ˋ這世上的所有事情都很重要!! 但是沒有一項比自己的存在還重要,所以除了自己要先完成對的起自己之後,才能去做對的起別人的事 活的要有尊嚴ˋ死的要有壯烈 為了什麼事值得要犧牲你的生命? ...

0 評論, 9 瀏覽次數, 0 票
peter1116 43 男性
17  文章
ªB¤Í¸T§Ò   2009-06-13

朋友禁忌 人的一生中,你會遇到很多不同的人,相對的有一些就會變成 你的好朋友或仇人..甚至敵人…但重點是…你自己有想過是什麼原 因會因此演變成敵人.仇人或朋友呢??其實這有一些小小的注意事 項給你參考一下~~希望對你交友有幫助囉!! 朋友的禁忌: ...

0 評論, 25 瀏覽次數, 0 票
peter1116 43 男性
17  文章
人要學做的十件事   2009-06-13

人要學做的十件事 一、儲蓄友誼 靠得住的友誼是今生最溫暖的一件外套。 它是靠你的人品和性情打造的,一定要好好地珍惜它,如果到目前為止,還沒有幾筆,那麼,從現在用心去儲存還來得及。 二、學會放手 ...

0 評論, 7 瀏覽次數, 0 票
peter1116 43 男性
17  文章
だも   2009-05-29

分手帶來的傷害一定會有,只是輕重的問題,而且不是你單方面能決定的,受傷害的是對方,而不是你,因為你已經想了很久,才會提分手,但是對方是突然聽到你提出分手,所以受傷害的一定是對方比較多,而且傷害的輕重,都是看對方想得開..或是想不開而以。 ...

0 評論, 11 瀏覽次數, 0 票
apex1111 34 男性
10  文章
«ä·Q³o¼Ë¤~¥s°·±d??   2008-10-24

有愛才有性... 是這樣的嗎? 那所謂的砲友該怎麼說呢??= =

1 評論, 48 瀏覽次數, 3 票 ,2.45 分數
apex1111 34 男性
10  文章
喜歡運動的人   2008-10-24

喜歡運動的通常人氣比較好~ 也比較健康說~~ 是吧!

1 評論, 70 瀏覽次數, 2 票 ,3.12 分數
apex1111 34 男性
10  文章
令人墮落的感情   2008-10-24

¦³®É­Ô¦³¤F¥t¤@¥b... ¤£±o¤£±N¦Û¤vªº®É¶¡§¡¤À¼Æ¥÷... ³o¥i¯à´N¬O¤j¤Hı±o¤Ó"¦­¼ô"¤£¦nªº­ì¦]§a......

0 評論, 21 瀏覽次數, 1 票 ,2.40 分數
apex1111 34 男性
10  文章
該去迎合另一辦的興趣   2008-10-24

該去迎合另一辦的興趣嗎 有些人覺得做自己就好~ 不過有人可能卻因此而改變!

1 評論, 16 瀏覽次數, 0 票
apex1111 34 男性
10  文章
關於忌妒   2008-10-24

ťPǻgayҧPY ڥioQ oݩʩʤP}F~


0 評論, 17 瀏覽次數, 2 票 ,2.42 分數
apex1111 34 男性
10  文章
英文不夠好的麻煩   2008-10-24

寄信給外國人只能用有限的字彙... 到最後才發先英文很好用阿{哈哈= =}...

0 評論, 34 瀏覽次數, 1 票 ,2.40 分數
apex1111 34 男性
10  文章
好多外國人...   2008-10-24

不知道各位ASIA有沒有被外國人寄過信... 上次 有一個美國人寫了他對個人的自我介紹很有興趣... 可是我寫的是中文阿= =

0 評論, 36 瀏覽次數, 1 票 ,2.40 分數
linyuqun 33 男性
10  文章
kk爱n½ѪZ进^k   2008-04-19

男男做爱爽翻天的后进体位法] 背后体位法: ...

1 評論, 683 瀏覽次數, 16 票 ,5.33 分數
linyuqun 33 男性
10  文章
同志,你把精液射在了哪   2008-04-19

¦P§Ó(§Y两个¨k¥Í¤§间会§âºë²G®g¨ì¨º¨½©O?¦Z来随着¦~龄ªº¼W长¡Aª¾¹D¤F¤@¨Ç¨Æ±¡¡A§Ú¤S«Ü¦n©_, ...

3 評論, 547 瀏覽次數, 23 票 ,3.83 分數
linyuqun 33 男性
10  文章
kHWQj兴奋点   2008-04-19

世界上的男人形形色色老老少少,但是说起男人身上的兴奋点,不外乎有十个!我不妨按从上到下的顺序讲给你听: 1,耳朵。当你把舌头轻轻的伸进男人的耳朵里,并且在耳壁上来回滑动的时候,男人就开始抽风了。


2 評論, 223 瀏覽次數, 8 票 ,2.32 分數
linyuqun 33 男性
10  文章
男人“私处”15个秘密   2008-04-19



1 評論, 222 瀏覽次數, 5 票 ,2.82 分數
linyuqun 33 男性
10  文章
怎样打“手枪”使你的DD越打越长   2008-04-19

陰莖鍛煉操: 1、 下腹部摩擦:臨睡前,將一隻手放在臍下恥骨上小腹部位,另一隻手放在腰上,然後一面按住腰,一面用手在下腹部由右向左慢慢摩擦,以自覺腹部溫熱感為度。 2、 ...

5 評論, 625 瀏覽次數, 15 票 ,3.28 分數
linyuqun 33 男性
10  文章
胸毛:男人的秘密性感武器   2008-04-19



5 評論, 138 瀏覽次數, 7 票 ,2.28 分數
linyuqun 33 男性
10  文章
13款现代男子“叫床”功夫   2008-04-19


0 所谓叫床,原指女人在性交高潮时,发出娇哼低喘。传统观念中,男人一般是不叫床的,但随着人们对性知识了解地越来越全面,叫床的问题被重新摆上了桌面。其实男人也可以叫床的…


2 評論, 268 瀏覽次數, 8 票 ,3.01 分數
kowala123 39 男性
2  文章
人氣   2007-11-25

其實在這些交友網站內看來 大家都在想盡辦法讓自己成為最有人氣的大紅人 但說穿了滿足虛榮心之後 就只剩下無限的空虛吧! 在某同志交友網站 拼死自己的大腦就只想擠進排行內 得到的是什麼

一般人無法靠近的大距離吧! 或者該當個低調的普通人


4 評論, 91 瀏覽次數, 11 票 ,2.05 分數
shijie4 39 男性
1  文章
hello l am china   2007-06-09

Hello! I am the Chinese Tianjin person, I am willing to make thefriend with your foreigner! Actually I knew you do the homosexuality, I compare like! But I like foreigner 领, the police and so on, welcome you to have a look my abundant guest address:http://outpersonals.com May write the message to thank

3 評論, 186 瀏覽次數, 8 票 ,3.25 分數
lxl4580586lxl 37 男性
24  文章
The teaches three a life time cause and effect texts   2007-05-17

Desire the one who know previous incarnation is subjected to because of the this present life is The desire knows the future generations fruit this present life author is The good believers utmost sincerity hears read aloud three a life time cause and effect texts Three the true language of not a little ¦ò speech of a life time cause and effects are actually and not the text The this ...

2 評論, 93 瀏覽次數, 5 票 ,2.16 分數
lxl4580586lxl 37 男性
24  文章
Carve the angel in the heart   2007-04-17

Angel, is a true incarnation.Angel, is a brave and strong symbol. Sculptor of so the angel that can become the beauty to the common marble of a cake of, is because of his heart to the true persistence, is because of his heart the existence of the brave and strong spirit!

But, the person who is like the sculptor to own the angel in heart thus is in fact not a few, being like the ...

1 評論, 49 瀏覽次數, 4 票 ,2.47 分數
lxl4580586lxl 37 男性
24  文章
The happiness that can't give   2007-04-17

Also will not feel uneasy very much while starting you To the attitude for break up hard cut and polish Divide and combine to match to imitate the to be see through by you this cent You said to loathe to give up

Want that the affection also can be delete Need to pay only for three days of silent Who know the result The love hates to become misty Heart at remember the deep place ...

0 評論, 45 瀏覽次數, 3 票 ,3.43 分數
lxl4580586lxl 37 男性
24  文章
Perhaps the love is a grieved nursery tale`````   2007-04-13

Perhaps the love is a grieved nursery tale`````

Give up a love your person very much, not painful Give up a person who you love very much, that is just painful Be in love with a don't love your person, that is more painful``````

Evade, not necessarily hide lead Face, not necessarily the most sad Standing alone, not necessarily not happy Get, ...

0 評論, 16 瀏覽次數, 2 票 ,3.12 分數
lxl4580586lxl 37 男性
24  文章
The habit that grow and give out and don't drop be called lonesome!   2007-04-12

When in former days of true love is already nonexistent, the heavy flower that is the emotion have already been beat by rain of winter the 残 is red Float zero:00, disappointed later on of we always make it a rule to stop to stay the tree branch in love low sing Shallow sing. The person's whole life is total and difficult to do not need to to present to public a drama of love, arriving ...

0 評論, 1 瀏覽次數, 1 票 ,1.10 分數
wntng2try2006 38 男性
3  文章
Don’t we all wish!   2019-10-16

Being able to meet someone you can trust to not have an STD as well as any disease that will ruin one for life. It’s become a realization that when asked certain questions it throws people off. Those types of questions should always be asked. And should Be 100% Truthfully answered.

0 評論, 9 瀏覽次數, 0 票
phillsratg 57 男性
1  文章
Mean and Unsociable jackasses who just sit there and do not respond to new folks,   2018-10-29

Yes They suck, are rude and Must think they are something. This is a FRIEND FINDER SITE. Go sit in a corner at home alone with AdultFriendFinder and then don't respond when folks reach out. Y'all Suck for this!

1 評論, 12 瀏覽次數, 0 票
Bottomboy1349 36 男性
5  文章
Group sex   2018-07-15

So I have a fantasy since I've only had one on one sex I would like to try something new. I'm craving to take on multiple cocks at one time. See I know even just two cocks would be great, but I want to try 5 or more 10 being what I really want. I want to be used in every way sucking cock after cock while I get fucked. I want to see what it's like to feel cock after cock going inside ...

1 評論, 55 瀏覽次數, 2 票 ,3.81 分數
Bottomboy1349 36 男性
5  文章
Looking for a dom who wants a live in sub   2018-07-14

I'm in Waterbury CT and I'm not happy with my current living situation. Looking for a dom who wants a submissive sex toy to have his way with. I like to suck cock and get fucked in all positions and whenever you want it. I'm into spanking, bondage, role playing, and I'm willing to do whatever you want whether it's cleaning yard work your my master if you have friends and you ...

0 評論, 23 瀏覽次數, 1 票 ,5.00 分數
Bottomboy1349 36 男性
5  文章
What's the easiest way to meet guys   2018-07-13

Ok so I'm somewhat new to this and have only had a few experiences. I'm a bottom and I'm into all different things, and am willing to try almost everything. So I really don't know where to meet people except online and that's now a problem because I have no card to pay for this site I like to deal with cash. Anyway just please give me some advice on what to do. I haven't ...

1 評論, 44 瀏覽次數, 2 票 ,5.20 分數
Redsky1000_ 63 男性
3  文章






0 評論, 21 瀏覽次數, 2 票 ,3.81 分數
retlaw4 74 男性
1  文章


A short by Walter Aubie

Stella and Stanley were partners in crime. Stella was a plain-jane with high hopes, a small time crook with a BIG TIME goal. Stanley, who topped the list of the tall, dark and handsomes, was desired by women, envied by men but not even smart enough to be petty.

To achieve her high hopes Stella used ...

1 評論, 29 瀏覽次數, 0 票
lrning2fly 69 男性
2  文章
Being an oral bottom...   2016-01-10

If your an oral bottom do you like to be sucked before being topped?

4 評論, 70 瀏覽次數, 1 票 ,1.10 分數
Young_Handsome2 43 男性
1  文章
Ideas for revigorating OutPersonals   2015-12-11

I am sure that everybody, who just signs in, would love to read many texts, and to have long, interesting , relaxing, comfortable, useful chats with worthy people. This was the situation few years ago here, on Outpersonals, but recently, things has change, and not for the good. What do you think, what should be done to reinvigorate this site? A little brainstorming might be useful for the ...

1 評論, 43 瀏覽次數, 4 票 ,4.41 分數
cumlover20002 69 男性
12  文章
sex change   2013-02-09

when i was born i was born more girl than boy but as i lay in my crib and i do not jest i could hear four voices and as i looked i could see my mother talking to the doctor about what to do with me and it came about that my mother agreed that i should be a boy, bad idea they should have let nature take its course for as i got older i had these strange feelings for every time that i saw a good ...

1 評論, 251 瀏覽次數, 2 票 ,0.34 分數
iamnathan 31 男性
1  文章
Why MONEY before SEX?   2011-07-24

Do you agree that you need to PAY before you can have SEX? It should be FREE because SEX is just a SEX! Duhh! The F!...

2 評論, 118 瀏覽次數, 7 票 ,3.30 分數
1  文章
If only   2011-07-03

I laid in bed last night imagining a rugged hairy guy running his hands and lips all over my sensitive body and being really gentle.I was so hard it hurt! As I squeezed and twisted my nipples, which are really large and thick, and so sensitive, he mounted me and gradually increased the pace and ferocity and fucked me so hard that I came without touching my 7" cock and tasted my own cum for the ...

2 評論, 290 瀏覽次數, 7 票 ,4.31 分數
spiggs 44 男性
1  文章
Knobkissing   2011-03-22

What is you take / View on "Knobkissing"?

6 評論, 290 瀏覽次數, 5 票 ,4.12 分數
sissyboy733 47 男性
1  文章
masculine men   2011-01-05

Masculine men who know how to Control and dominate me with their Big penis really turn me on. I'm a Submissive sissyboy and love sucking Big dicks

1 評論, 67 瀏覽次數, 2 票 ,1.04 分數
hungnlonely4u2 56 男性
1  文章
chat sites   2010-03-16

does anybody know of any great chat sites? Its fun here but theres never anybody here.

4 評論, 568 瀏覽次數, 9 票 ,3.21 分數
lukelove2godown 41 男性
15  文章
how long...   2009-11-04

Do you troll online for sex? I was just watching a show talking about sex adiction and some of these people would spend 7 or more hours a day looking for some strange.

1 評論, 106 瀏覽次數, 2 票 ,1.04 分數
newly_legal2 33 男性
2  文章
I'm back!   2009-10-30

I know it's been Awhile since i've been active on this site! but, I'm back! hoozah for me, now, if I remember last time I wrote an article, it had to do with personal preferences. Let's just say that when you judge a person and think that there won't be any consequences, you are sadly mistaken, You are getting judged just as bad for ignorant remarks against those who you think should be one way ...

0 評論, 159 瀏覽次數, 6 票 ,3.08 分數
lukelove2godown 41 男性
15  文章
I wanna take a poll....   2009-10-17

But first I wanted to ask what's the longest you've taken to orgasm? And what's the back ground on it? Mine was by myself unfortunatly. I had a saturday all to my self so I popped in a 10 hour porn put on and old hair tie around my balls and sipped a 40 oz while taking my time and edging over and over. I thought I was gonna go crazy at times but I made it to the 8 hour mark and just about ...

2 評論, 119 瀏覽次數, 2 票 ,1.73 分數
lukelove2godown 41 男性
15  文章
something I've started seeing on here   2009-10-13

I was wondering what people ment that outpersonals is neglected (not the word I see but paraphrased) I have started seeing bling and in profiles that say that this site is neglected or run bad? I love this place and I was wondering what gives?

0 評論, 68 瀏覽次數, 4 票 ,4.02 分數
like2opu 64 男性
8  文章
Working a fat 7" cock   2009-08-31

I meet up with a man that enjoys receiving head and he wittingly gets me wanting his cock in my mouth. I start out working his cock and balls by caressing every part slowly with the moist tip of my tongue and lips as I run the tip of my fingers on the opposite sides/ends. Very lightly touching and then very lightly wrapping my lips around his cock to tease it a little on the head. It is very ...

3 評論, 595 瀏覽次數, 24 票 ,6.99 分數
Paulmcxxx69 48 男性
1  文章
In search of the last American bathhouse.   2009-07-28

Bathhouse...The Baths...The Spa...Men's club...Sex Club...

I know it's weird, but I was thinking about the term 'Bathhouse' the other day, and how it really isn't. For bathing that is.

In Japan they have bathhouses, in Europe too. The thing is, they really are for bathing. The USA had bathhouses for many years, there may still be a few real ones out there. The idea was that it ...

0 評論, 165 瀏覽次數, 6 票 ,1.94 分數
chefrick33 88 男性
2  文章
Gay Vampire Story   2009-04-29


Chapter 1 The Fix

Trevor Wellington Harris normally walked the streets of Norfolk at 3:00 AM, because he was in need of a fix. But tonight he had to contact... the waiter. He hoped this would work out. Tonight he would set things up for the next night.

He had seen the waiter last week at the Downtown Deli on Granby St. ...

0 評論, 125 瀏覽次數, 5 票 ,4.12 分數
hot_4_dick 38 男性
20  文章
INFO   2009-03-19

Hi to all you hot sexy guys,

I love writing the stories for all you guys but please remember that there all made up stories ive never had any off these things happen to me,

love you all xoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxooxxxooxxoxoxoxo

4 評論, 138 瀏覽次數, 3 票 ,0.49 分數
dontoit 70 男性
1  文章
Remember Poppers?   2009-01-18

Remember'RUSH'and what a rush it was!?!?!? Do any of you know of any 'poppers' that are worth trying? Let me know....

3 評論, 162 瀏覽次數, 1 票 ,2.40 分數
tallpine55 67 男性
2  文章
I have tryed it all   2008-12-11

I have been to the rest areas, to the department stores and all the areas that everyone says they are looking for some one. I am the one wearing the pants that when I walk to the urinal, I show my thong and might look over my shoulder at you as I piss. I am the one who in the coffee Isle that shows you that I have a thong or nothing at all on under my pants. I am the one who would rather feel ...

1 評論, 491 瀏覽次數, 14 票 ,3.94 分數
suku5 58 男性
1  文章
House Invasion Pt 1   2008-11-24

This is a made up fantasy. i hope you enjoy my first effort in writing anything. i wasn't sure what section it should go in on here.

It was a long holiday weekend, most if not all the neighbors had gone away and we were in the middle of a blizzard. we lived in a mountain area with few roads and access to our home. i just got done stocking the firewood and we were well stocked for ...

0 評論, 223 瀏覽次數, 7 票 ,4.31 分數
Tony58693 57 男性
1  文章
Comment on Article "California Marriage Law"   2008-10-24

It's interesting that you can go to a court house to be married(it's not a civil union license!) and a marriage is to be defined by the moral majority and religious doctrine (as a man and a woman based on someone else's beliefs). the government is acting in fashion of a religious entity. Hmmm...What happened to the separation of church and state? Everyone seems to go along with ideas and laws ...

0 評論, 19 瀏覽次數, 2 票 ,2.42 分數
Natalie69 66 跨性別
7  文章
My glory hole fantasy then surprise   2008-09-28

I live in a small town in central Massachusetts in an old small apartment complex with townhouse apartments, in the cellar the apartment next to mine is separated by a wooden wall. The apartment next to mine is rented by a single guy. I've lived here for a couple of years and we've only run into each other a few times and only managed to say hello. As I was coming out of my cellar last night and ...

1 評論, 406 瀏覽次數, 8 票 ,5.10 分數
biguy812 42 男性
2  文章
closet love   2008-09-15

One day I was at my friends house. His name is Eric. His parents went to Rhode Island every weekend, he had a brother. His brothers name is Junior. The are Latinos. So we we're watching tv in the living room we we're both sitting on the love seat, when all of a sudden I felt his hand start to creep up my legs, so I pushed him away. He did it again coming close to my cock this time and I pushed ...

3 評論, 616 瀏覽次數, 14 票 ,4.26 分數
like2opu 64 男性
8  文章
A Good Moment Lost   2008-09-09

When I was seventeen, a junior in high school, I had this one party friend that was riding around with me and like many teenagers we were looking for some action and wasn't finding any. It was getting late and somehow he got on the subject about taking care of ourselves by just going somewhere to jack off or something. I said why not, I was curious what his cock looked like away and thought it ...

2 評論, 800 瀏覽次數, 24 票 ,6.08 分數
michellej2 61 跨性別
1  文章
Why Do You Like Trannies???   2008-09-06

As a 45 year old tranny I have learned we fit in no real straight or gay group. I have always felt I should be a girl since my early years but because of my upbringing I felt it was wrong. Now I no longer care what others think. The problem is "dating and clubs". Either you are straight and want the opposite sex, gay and prefer the same sex, or bi and like both. Upon realizing who ...

4 評論, 364 瀏覽次數, 11 票 ,6.35 分數
oct30195647 67 男性
6  文章
My Experience Continues   2008-08-31

I must admit I have enjoyed writing about my experiences so far and a couple of fantasies I have had over the years. I am not trying to sensationalize the situations but be honest about them. I have got enjoyment from writing them down and have enjoyed reading others. I have particularly enjoyed those relating their first time experiences although some seem a bit far fetched. Well to continue on ...

2 評論, 306 瀏覽次數, 6 票 ,4.79 分數
Trix123 37 男性
1  文章
when did you know you was gay/Bi?   2008-08-24

Did you ever think back to your first mwm encounter, and think damn I want to do this again. Well that's exactly what happen with my first mwm encounter. I was about 12 or 13. I was at home one day, and two of my friends, who happened to be brothers were up stairs. There names were luis and hector. Spanish of course. So one day luis came down stairs and told me to come outside. So ...

2 評論, 345 瀏覽次數, 10 票 ,5.18 分數
oral69foryou 73 男性
5  文章
threesome BLISS   2008-07-31

Best threesome, i had was about 5 years ago, still meet them, now and again. there names were Peter, and Jenny, very sexy couple, both in there 50s, and hot and horny. We met for a coffee, hit it of straight away, all three of us, laughing and joking, so no problems, went straight back to there place, as soon as we stepped inside the door, we were ripping the clothes of each other. As i said, ...

0 評論, 369 瀏覽次數, 13 票 ,6.67 分數
nwokie7 63 男性
5  文章
The 13th Amendment   2008-07-16

Amendment 13:

The 13th amendment states: "Neither slavery nor involuntary servitude, except as a punishment for crime shall exist within the United States.

At the university of Colorado Obama promised as president, he would require all middle and high school students to perform 50 hours of service per year. And college students 100. He would accomplish this by, among other ...

3 評論, 143 瀏覽次數, 8 票 ,3.01 分數
newysuk 38 男性
1  文章
Fucking in Sylvania!!!   2008-07-04

Hi guys I have just moved to Sylvania, near Sutherland. I want to meet guys to suck and be fucked by. Are there any good hookup spots nearby? Alternitevly Are there any Shire guys willing to bury their cock in my arse?

3 評論, 180 瀏覽次數, 3 票 ,2.45 分數
GoodGuy22309 64 男性
1  文章
Why so mean?   2008-06-08

In so many stories here and elsewhere, it seems like one of the guys is always demeaning to the other (i.e. "suck it, bitch, " or some other such rude things).

I'm a very loving kind of guy and would never talk that way to a lover...nor would I ever want a lover to talk that way to me. I'm a sweet and gentle lover who enjoys being with similar guys.

So...is this common? Are ...

3 評論, 90 瀏覽次數, 4 票 ,5.57 分數
euro_soccer 28 男性
2  文章
Sweatpants and Bulges   2008-05-11

Do you think guys wearing sweatpants notice when people stare at their crotches in public or at the gym?

I know that when I've worn sweatpants at the gym or in public I feel stared at. lol. Any other guy in the same position?

Has anyone been in a position where they've been caught staring at another guys crotch in public? How did it turn out?


1 評論, 178 瀏覽次數, 3 票 ,5.39 分數
Good_Guy_James 42 男性
1  文章
Am I the only one who beleives it's impossible to meet people on here?   2008-04-18

Hi all, ive been on here for a little while and found that my profile has been viewed a few hundred times. yet ive only had two mails. neither of which would lead anywhere. i send out winks and even mail using points. am i missing something on here, does a secret code exist to get guys or something? if anyone would like to give me some feedback on my profile or my picture i would certainly ...

7 評論, 125 瀏覽次數, 4 票 ,5.57 分數
tfig2 59 男性
3  文章
Mr. Raul who lived next door   2008-02-29

Mr. Raul was our new neighbor who lived next door, he was so kind and friendly that my mother would let me go over and help him he was in his early sixties and was well built in fact he work out a lot I did small chores for him one night he ask my mother to let me stay over for he was not feeling well and was low on his medication. we all trusted him so mother said yes. Well that is when I found ...

1 評論, 909 瀏覽次數, 24 票 ,5.97 分數
lickemsuckem 34 男性
1  文章
Story: Bisexual curiousity   2008-02-27

Foreward: Before I get to the story, it starts in the middle of my 'servitude' to an older couple in their 30's when I turned 19. They were switches but generally she was the domminant one.

Finished for the day with my chores and duty as the ‘maid-boy’ I went to my room. Once there I wiggled the mouse and started watching porn. Ever since I sucked Mike I had been addicted to the ...

1 評論, 434 瀏覽次數, 13 票 ,6.16 分數
ravendcj 45 男性
6  文章
Just a Funny Story   2008-01-28

Just a Funny Story

I always tell my friends to call me Matt or ‘C’. They never had a problem with ‘Matt’ but what’s with the ‘C’. Well this is the story behind it. It is for Cobra. I used to go by that nickname for a few years. It wasn’t something that I just picked out I was actually branded with it. When I was small I had this thing about animals and insects. I was ...

0 評論, 192 瀏覽次數, 6 票 ,5.07 分數
v10ivan69 70 男性
15  文章
Happy New Year!!!   2008-01-01

HAPPY NEW YEAR to all you Luscious Cum SLuts around the world!!!!

1 評論, 81 瀏覽次數, 5 票 ,3.47 分數
ravendcj 45 男性
6  文章
Forbidden Fruit   2007-12-26

Forbidden Fruits

Well You know what I'm talking about. Its that thing that you KNOW YOU SHOULDN'T HAVE BUT WANT IT ANYWAY! Well here is a situation that I have encountered. I met this young man a few days ago. Lets call him Rich. Now Rich is only 16 years old. Now mind you I am 29 myself. Now even though Rich my think that he is all grown up, I still see a child. A very HOT, HOOOOOOT ...

1 評論, 521 瀏覽次數, 9 票 ,5.56 分數
nu2thegame 50 男性
3  文章
which was better   2007-11-28

I was just wondering out of all the encounters that you've had which has been better? Sex with a friend, a lover, or a random stranger. in my experience it's been with a friend, maybe because there was no guise or expectations it just "happened" (over, and over). i'd like to know what you think.

2 評論, 126 瀏覽次數, 6 票 ,4.22 分數
KahnsSecret 59 男性
2  文章
I Knew Something was Different...   2007-11-21

Growing up, I remember seeing my dad walking out of the shower and noticing his cock was different than mine. So it sparked my curiosity. Every time I'd go to the pool, I'd look around for guys who were uncut like my dad. I never saw one until one night at a sleep-over at my friends house. I don't remember what started the conversation, but it ended up in his showing me how much hair he had ...

1 評論, 545 瀏覽次數, 12 票 ,6.33 分數
travel4511 62 男性
1  文章
just joined as standard member   2007-10-23

I just joined as standard member. Sent some winks and now have a few Inbox emails, but you have to be a silver or gold member to open them??????

1 評論, 193 瀏覽次數, 8 票 ,4.41 分數
cactusjack35 58 男性
14  文章
Our broken govt.   2007-10-10

Six months ago there was a trial in Texas that put 2 boarder patrol agents in jail for defending our boarder. Their Last names are Ramos and Compeon. I would like to write about their tragedy.

It started along our boarder with Mexico when Ramos and Compeon where attempting to stop a known drug dealer from crossing our boarder with a shipment of narcotics. The illegal immigrant failed to ...

3 評論, 104 瀏覽次數, 4 票 ,4.02 分數
loadsajism 54 男性
1  文章
On The Train   2007-10-08

Hi Guys, Thought that I would share an experience that I had recently while travelling to a M8's place in Kent. I got on a GNER train from Newcastle to Kings X and settled in my seat. The train wasn't too busy but busy enough. Had just passed York when I needed the loo so I got out of my seat and walket to the end of the carriage, passing a guy about 27yrs who was reading the newspaper.


2 評論, 724 瀏覽次數, 29 票 ,6.65 分數
handyandy50 76 男性
27  文章
Reasons Why Masturbation is Better than Real Sex   2007-09-27

* You don't have to look your best.

* You never have to say "I love you", promise to mow the lawn, buy flowers/dinner, lie about the size of your hand's, etc.

* If you use your other hand it feels like someone else.

* You can use both hands and have and orgy.

* You don't have to promise to call in the morning.

* As long as you're careful you'll never ...

1 評論, 81 瀏覽次數, 3 票 ,3.92 分數
Firstimer_41 54 男性
1  文章
First time   2007-09-27

Being with a man, with a big cock is great. The biggest I ever had was 9” long, uncut and that was great. Once he came over to my apartment one night to meet me and we started to talking for awhile. We watched a movie (of course XXX-rated movies of men). It was so hot watching that movie, so we started to get undress and once I seen his cock and how big his was, I started to imaged what his ...

2 評論, 555 瀏覽次數, 15 票 ,2.82 分數
OneG8TLay 66 男性
2  文章
Internet Chat on this Site   2007-07-22

It so funny how life comes at us so fast. We come to the chat rooms to find friends, conversation and to relax and maybe, just maybe if the chemistry provides, a bit of fun along the way.

One thing I seem to notice when I go to chat is the fact that most people are either there to find what I just mentioned or tend to take the stage and turn into attention whores. It seems odd to me, ...

1 評論, 119 瀏覽次數, 2 票 ,3.81 分數
honeybee1970 53 男性
1  文章
Cum Massage   2007-07-05

Very recently i was visiting Bangkok. Anyone who has visited Bangkok knows that it is quite famous for its massage parlors. You can get body massage, oil massage, aroma therapy massage and so on. But i doubt if any of you have experienced what i called a "Cum massage". Well, the story goes like this:

I was in my hotel room after a hard days work and had a bottle of red wine that i was ...

2 評論, 507 瀏覽次數, 11 票 ,5.78 分數
00016 117 男性
9  文章
wondering   2007-06-19

I don't know what happen in my childhood years that set me apart from most other kids but I always knew I was different. Looking at girls never really appeal to me but when I play with other boys for some odd reason I was attracted. I went thru my teenage years almost lost for a short time, hard to find friends that can understand your feelings and back in my time computers weren't around so much ...

2 評論, 570 瀏覽次數, 4 票 ,4.80 分數
greene3333 72 男性
1  文章
Anal sex and enimas   2007-06-02

What is the best thing to do about enemas and oral sex. what can I do to make it - anal sex- better. Does using an enima help?

5 評論, 414 瀏覽次數, 4 票 ,4.80 分數
6  文章
Fuck me like a whore   2007-05-26

Can you beat getting out of work early, on a Friday? Yes, you can.I arrived home around 2:30pm.Just me and the house.David, my better half, was still working.I decided to take a shower.Now, I don't about you, but when I lather my body up with soap, I get really fucking horny.Anyway, I washed the soap on good and slow.I was driving myself crazy.I slowly ran the tips of my fingers along my body, ...

1 評論, 680 瀏覽次數, 20 票 ,7.21 分數
hard4youtoo 50 男性
1  文章
anal stimulation   2007-03-25

what do you like to use when you are alone and need to satisfy your anal cravings? I have a ballsy 10" Doc Johnson that I can take clear to the balls. I like to duct tape it to a basket ball so I can mount up and control the angle by moving the ball with my heals as I ride. When I find the "magic" spot I have squirted as far as 6 feet across the room ! Now that I am horny after sharing this with ...

3 評論, 384 瀏覽次數, 14 票 ,6.18 分數
MAKnUP4LostTime 51 男性
2  文章
Finding a group that suits you can be difficult, Starting one can be even harder!   2007-03-20

I have been trying for some time now to start a group that suits me, but the vision I have created for the group and for the process of starting the group require that I find a small group of others to help define and establish the group so that I have several minds working on what would appeal to a broader array of people rather than just my own ideas. I get so many inquiries about joining and ...

0 評論, 35 瀏覽次數, 1 票 ,1.10 分數
winkme4now2 46 男性
7  文章
what is snow???   2007-03-09

i see on other sites people refering 2 snow?

3 評論, 289 瀏覽次數, 4 票 ,0.53 分數
winkme4now2 46 男性
7  文章
hi   2007-03-09

420 improve the sex?

0 評論, 91 瀏覽次數, 5 票 ,0.21 分數
1  文章
Virgin Ass and my mouth need love!!! Any takers?   2007-03-09

I am looking for a men or men or couples to show me the ropes. I have not really done this before and am wanting to give my body to someone or some people for there pleasure. If anyone in the are can host me or a group of people that would be great. Looking forward to my first face full of cum and having a nice hard throbbing cock in my ass.

Let me know if anyone wants to have some fun! ...

4 評論, 186 瀏覽次數, 8 票 ,3.94 分數
loverboy_4you 37 男性
4  文章
His First Time   2007-02-12

My best friend called me and said that he wanted for me to come over and watch movies. I have always had a crush on him, His name is chris (not real name). He is 5'8 blond hair athletic built smooth, with a 9 inch cock.
I arrived at his house and he answered the door in that same pair of shorts he always wore. A loose hanging basketball shorts. Man i loved them. Because he ...

5 評論, 1611 瀏覽次數, 38 票 ,8.30 分數
needy0077 46 跨性別
3  文章
heels   2007-01-26

do most of you men pefer heels on a t girl or flats bare feet nails painted ilike to do my nails to be ssen...

6 評論, 228 瀏覽次數, 4 票 ,4.80 分數
Friend862 39 男性
8  文章
Soul-Mate   2007-01-25

friends and fellow according to the conditions of the recently that not some one but every one like to love with beautifully girl and other matters accepted good manners but i have met with a good manner soul mate of mine who cares me and my life and my bed too.

0 評論, 37 瀏覽次數, 4 票
Friend862 39 男性
8  文章
Soul-Mate   2007-01-25

friends and fellow according to the conditions of the recently that not some one but every one like to love with beautifully girl and other matters accepted good manners but i have met with a good manner soul mate of mine who cares me and my life and my bed too.

1 評論, 36 瀏覽次數, 3 票
LETSPLAY1950 73 男性
3  文章
a thresome with a man and a woman   2006-12-16

I would also like to have sex with a man and a woman. Have the man fuck me as I eat his wife and then eat them both as they fuck. I think it would be so dam hot.

1 評論, 212 瀏覽次數, 7 票 ,3.80 分數
LETSPLAY1950 73 男性
3  文章
threesomes or more   2006-12-16

I've been really looking to try be apart of a threesome or a gang bang. I would like to try a threesome with 2 other guy's and have my virgin ass taken as I do a 69 with the other guy . then maybe try a gang bang with about 5 guys. Getting fuck and sucking and jacking 2 off at the same time. Then let the next guy take my ass and mouth as I jack couple off and so on till all five guy's have ...

2 評論, 163 瀏覽次數, 8 票 ,4.17 分數
horny584 75 男性
1  文章

I have been meeting a gay man for lunch and cocktails twice a week for about 2 months now.I met him on Out Personals. We created a close friendship and their was no sex between us until one evening. I shall call my friend Hal to protect his identity here. Hal ask me to go out for a date one Saturday evening. He pick me up and we had a nice dinner and some cocktails. Hal is age 57 and shares ...

2 評論, 373 瀏覽次數, 21 票 ,6.10 分數
AmandaCDTV 59 跨性別
6  文章
Worth the risk!? Outdoor masturbation   2006-11-23

Oh Yes!
Until I'm arrested, fired, or kicked out of my apt. anyway!
Of the thousands of times i've rubbed out a batch in risky (Public) places, i recall a few favorites i'd like to share with the world. The first time i remember doing it was in a small desert field not far from my home at around age 10. There was a pit dug in the dirt deep enough that if i got on ...

1 評論, 394 瀏覽次數, 9 票 ,2.57 分數
myoutperonal 37 男性
1  文章
Is it bad to be High Maintenance   2006-11-06

I Just can't help to think some people just can't handle what life throws at them.

2 評論, 116 瀏覽次數, 2 票 ,1.04 分數
nadi007 56 男性
1  文章
Revenge   2006-11-04

When i was 15i had afriend named Gasser he really was so pretty, his body was so feminine all our friends always jock with him that they had to fuck him.I really had never think to fuck him, instead i was hoping to be fucked by him.One night we were studing together ihad planned to play with him.I began to kiss him&touch his cock, he began to be excited, we had kissed each other for a long ...

0 評論, 629 瀏覽次數, 11 票 ,0.18 分數
kinkyroly 65 男性
1  文章
make your wildest and kinkiest fantasies happen   2006-10-26

hi my name is roly I enjoy , bondage, Pegs, wax, Gangbaned, whips , paddles , water sports, arse play, Cock/balls torture, Dildos, Tit torture want me to Perform for you This is a great opportunity to make your wildest and kinkiest fantasies happen You will be amazed by some of the things I will enjoy doing for your amusement and pleasure very few limits I will perform ...

1 評論, 188 瀏覽次數, 4 票 ,5.57 分數
cocoboyie 30 男性
4  文章
phone sex   2006-10-13

phone sex is so stupid. i dont get how hearing someones voice can turn you on. i get porn cause at least you have a visual but a sound stimulating sexual feelings in me other than moaningg isn't something i think is even possible. i just dont see whats sexy about it. i say if your willing to fake it on a phone you might as well just go meet the person and have a reall physical experience.

0 評論, 53 瀏覽次數, 3 票 ,0.98 分數
care4avirginass 36 男性
1  文章
Seeking a first penetration... if you strongly desire it, just let me know   2006-10-05

I think I a pretty desirable person, and all I want to do is give you a time youll never forget! I think about watching you lick and suck my cock, balls and ass.. as if you would do if was just for your enjoyment, yet I bet it will feel so good! And Of course, I want you to fuck my virgin ass! I imagine it will be pretty intense for me, but think of how good it will be for you! You must ...

0 評論, 190 瀏覽次數, 6 票 ,4.79 分數
Dressed4You 65 男性
8  文章
Outdoors   2006-09-07

We live a house out on a ranch, I run around naked all the time, I was out side and my wife came and sat on the steps, She Didn't have her top on, but her Pantys, soon she spread her legs, and had a 10" cock hanging out her Pantys, She told me to come over to her, and told me to suck her Cock. So i went down on her, eatting her cock, she loved it so did I, She made suck on it for a long ...

1 評論, 506 瀏覽次數, 12 票 ,4.21 分數
4  文章
CROSS DRESSING?   2006-09-06


4 評論, 418 瀏覽次數, 11 票 ,6.16 分數
stetsonman123 55 男性
7  文章
A twist in my mariage   2006-08-25

It seems to me that most people don't understand me and my feelings when it comes to my wife. You see, I work a lot.... far more than you can imagine. My work is a part of my life that I cherrish and don't wish to ever loose. It's as much a part of me as my body.
With all the hours I put in at work, I sacrafice much at home. My family always stands behind me and supports me ...

2 評論, 401 瀏覽次數, 13 票 ,5.16 分數
oral1962 60 男性
2  文章
Precum   2006-08-20

I love the taste of precum , I just like to know what you guys thought.

2 評論, 155 瀏覽次數, 12 票 ,6.16 分數
ja2dee 47 男性
2  文章
How much is enough?   2006-08-20

Hey fellas how much for play do you like: 1)none 2)a little 5-10 minutes 3)15-30 minutes 4)over 30 minutes Thanks let me know what you like?

2 評論, 101 瀏覽次數, 4 票 ,5.57 分數
stetsonman123 55 男性
7  文章
A mfm threesome   2006-08-15

My wife is a very sexy lady. her breast are full and soft. It's trully exciting seeing her dressing sexy, showing off her beautiful figure. But, one thing that always catches my attention is when I catch a guy looking hard trying to get a good view of all her womanhood.
When a guy is making love to her, I like to see her sucking him, and stroking his hard cock. And, when he ...

3 評論, 458 瀏覽次數, 12 票 ,3.51 分數
sucfuk 52 男性
1  文章
This time I swallowed! ....   2006-08-14

I like sucking a nice juicy hard cock, especially uncut. I love seeing the foreskin slide back and forth over the smooth head of someones cock as my tongue flicks over the tip...then wrapping my lips over the end as I slide it in and out whilst sucking.

But it took me a while before I could swallow, Although I really wanted too and get sooo horny at the thought. I'd ...

4 評論, 549 瀏覽次數, 26 票 ,6.69 分數
CalvinToby 49 男性
2  文章
Here is my first gay erotic short story I wrote, would love some feedback   2006-08-14

3 YEARS UNAWARE by Calvin Toby
As is the case with every school, mine was probably no different, in terms of having the “in-crowd” and the “out crowd”. I guess there was really one or two in and out crowds though, one consisted of the High school Jocks – the sport’s freaks, the athlete’s etc, and the other was a bunch of misfits, the gang type guys. Those were the ...

3 評論, 557 瀏覽次數, 29 票 ,7.95 分數
bakersfieldude 35 男性
1  文章
hooking up out of the blue.   2006-07-23

I am a little nervous about driving to someones house whom i've met online and talked to for maybe 15 minutes. I live in a extremely conservative area and i'm afraid i'll show up and find out i've been tricked some how. has anything like that ever happened to anyone?

2 評論, 299 瀏覽次數, 7 票 ,3.04 分數
sistormrider 70 男性
6  文章
Need information   2006-07-10

does anyone have ant information on this years Bear Crusies? If so please drop me a line. Thank you. John

0 評論, 66 瀏覽次數, 2 票 ,0.34 分數
ghosting 57 男性
11  文章
LEARN TO LISTEN   2006-07-09

Learn to listen like a teddy bear,
With ears open and mouth closed tight.
Learn to forgive like a teddy bear,
With an open heart, not caring who is right.
Learn to love like a teddy bear,
With arms open and imperfect eyesight.
Do not ask for your life's load lightened, ...

0 評論, 43 瀏覽次數, 3 票 ,3.43 分數
ghosting 57 男性
11  文章
MY BABY BOY: A LULLABY   2006-07-09

My Baby Boy My Baby Boy You are your Father's Son In you, I see all the best I have done My Baby Boy My Baby Boy You are my Pride and Joy My Baby Boy

0 評論, 75 瀏覽次數, 3 票 ,2.45 分數
ghosting 57 男性
11  文章
WHEN EYES MEET   2006-07-09

WHEN EYES MEET It has been said, that the eyes are the windows to the soul.
When this individual physical manifestation comes across another individual physical manifestation that has a pair of visual impediments that are similiar to mine, Eye try to communicate with them soully on a mental level which ...

0 評論, 38 瀏覽次數, 1 票 ,5.00 分數
ghosting 57 男性
11  文章
HOW WE GROW UP   2006-07-09

From birth, we are looking for ways to organize chaos. We start as scientists of a sort. Gradually we build an inner view of the world, which sorts out the overwhelming flood of stimuli that comes our way, and calls some of them good and desirable and safe and others bad and dangerous. We decide certain actions get us the results wanted and others get us into ...

0 評論, 37 瀏覽次數, 1 票 ,5.00 分數
SexyAntiguaButt 57 男性
6  文章
FANTASY DATE   2006-06-26

I will skip the preliminaries and get down to the sex...
U slowly strip off all my clothes, a piece at a time, kissing every bare area of my body as u remove the clothes. U kiss and lick my cock for awhile, as well as my asscheeks. I then remove all your clothes, kissing licking every bare part of your body that I reveal.
We move to the bed...
I lay u on your ...

1 評論, 116 瀏覽次數, 2 票 ,2.42 分數
4  文章
ORGY ON THE BEACH   2006-06-09

I was in the dunes at my local nudist beach sun bathing, when this older man started to stroke my hard cock. I feel i must explain when I'm naked my cock seems to be always hard especially when naked in public. Well here we go again, he caressed my cock gently at first then he got a little rougher. Before long he was sucking hard on my manhood, I reached out and started stroking his ...

0 評論, 344 瀏覽次數, 17 票 ,5.53 分數
randy87410 73 男性
5  文章
Why men are better lovers than women: The Ultimate Blow Job   2006-06-03

An opinion by Randy Compton (randy87410) Are men better lovers than women? In my opinion that is a definate YES! This is why I've been gay all my life. Is very simple really. A man, especially an experienced man, knows what other men want. A woman can only guess, or do what her mama told her. So that makes that experience mechanical. With another man, it's very sensuous ...

0 評論, 83 瀏覽次數, 4 票 ,2.86 分數
MyHugeManTits 63 男性
8  文章
Hot Bi Agriculture Action ....   2006-05-16

It has been so hot here in the Lodi.CA. area and our air conditioning went out. By 3:00pm my jockstrap was soaking wet under my pants and I had planned on going out that night to a local bar hoping to meet a Bi guy to play with. I went into the shower area where the field foremans of the winery shower and change. I stripped off my clothes and started soaping up my ass and tits ...the ...

0 評論, 180 瀏覽次數, 7 票 ,4.57 分數
intermacken 66 男性
1  文章
MY FIRST TIME   2006-05-01


I had just turned thirteen and entering puberty. My cock was small with a few pubic hairs starting to show, but small or not, I was proud of it. Being naive at the time and having not seen another person naked, male or female I had little to compare my proud asset with. I had played with myself but had not yet masturbated and did not know what to expect, as ...

3 評論, 916 瀏覽次數, 36 票 ,8.42 分數
ryansin2469 56 男性
6  文章
Imagining....   2006-04-27

My mind is racing. Moments ago we were having drinks, and now I wait nervously for him to arrive at the motel room I reserved for this occasion. This is my first time with another man, and I can't believe I'm about to finally experience that which I've only dreamed about.
I stood there in the room naked, horny, and stroking my cock ever so slowly. I'm so glad I shaved my balls ...

0 評論, 254 瀏覽次數, 11 票 ,5.97 分數
lvman1947 76 同性戀伴侶(2個同性戀)
1  文章
BE GENTLE I'M A NEWBIE   2006-04-20

Discovered OP earlier this month. I usually don't have a lot of time to spend on the computer. Fortunately or not, I'll be sitting home for the next few weeks on a medical leave from work. Had minor surgery and all is going well. Being away from work hs left me bored, hence web surfing and my finding OP. I have started a blog and posted a couple of polls. Everyone's response has been great. ...

2 評論, 172 瀏覽次數, 8 票 ,4.64 分數
needingmore1976 47 男性
5  文章
Just wanted to say   2006-03-30

as a member here at outpersonals, I am impressed by how I have been welcomed onto this site. I have had more looks than I have ever expected. Even if I have not hooked up with anyone yet I just want to say for an over weight married bi man that may not be good looking. I am impressed by how most people on here are real.

1 評論, 66 瀏覽次數, 2 票 ,4.50 分數
Outy27 41 男性
2  文章
sucking?   2006-03-26

ok tell me... why is there pep that only want to suck suck suck, ,, nothing else? no penetration, not asking te get suck, ,, , just want to suck... i dont get it, ,,

3 評論, 223 瀏覽次數, 2 票 ,0.34 分數
americanmale49 66 男性
1  文章
Where Have All The "Straight Boys" Gone?   2006-03-22

Only recently I had yet another sexual encounter with a self proclaimed heterosexual male. I've experienced this numerous times in my life. Are men such sexually charged beast that they are willing to accept sexual pleasure from anyone offering it to them? Or am I living in a Queer oriented world? I'm not complaining about the above stated incident, but I do wonder if there are truely ...

2 評論, 190 瀏覽次數, 6 票 ,3.37 分數
sexmadcock3 60 男性
1  文章
how do you make your cock ozzz pre come   2006-03-16

some guys dont get pre come, im one of them.ive touched some guys cock and the pre com e just ozzz out of their cock, i get so jellious of their sugury taste, can eny one tell me how i could get more pre come, sometimes if i dont have sex fo r a week iplace finger inside and push on my prostate and you can see a blob of pre comethen .i lick my own cock and whant more.

1 評論, 228 瀏覽次數, 3 票 ,0.98 分數
sepffio 42 同性戀伴侶(2個同性戀)
1  文章
Testing and stuff. Hello there.   2006-03-15

This is a test article. Nothing to see here.

0 評論, 32 瀏覽次數, 1 票
Thript 31 男性
3  文章
...A penis does not a hot man make   2006-02-25

So looking about this site shortly after I joined months ago, I realized the mistake I had made -- because aparently OuPersonals is somehow synonomis with 50 yearold men who send you nude photos and say things along the lines of: 'I like to defile young twinks!' <br> What the hell is wrong with you people? <br> I supose when I signed up I was expecting something more ...

7 評論, 391 瀏覽次數, 11 票 ,0.18 分數
Buck7583 68 男性
102  文章
Once Upon A Time I Sang My Heart Out !!!!!!!   2006-02-23

Howdy Cowboy’s: <br> As the late President Regan would often say ‘Well there you go again’! I’m saddened today by a situation that I find myself in, I have touched a few times on the subject of my desires to play guitar and write music which I absolutely adore, the feeling of being able to pick up my guitar and play and sing songs gives me such a feeling of freedom, I ...

0 評論, 80 瀏覽次數, 0 票
GayVirgin74 49 男性
1  文章
First gay experience   2006-02-21

I am very interested in having my first time gay experience. <br> I have thought about it for a while and now that I have come across this site I thought I would go for it. <br> I am interested in peoples views regarding my first time experience. The what to do and what not to do. Do you need extra safe condoms for anal sex, should I do it all on the first date. ...

0 評論, 451 瀏覽次數, 4 票 ,2.08 分數
jamietlets69 64 跨性別
3  文章
does any body want to play in pensacola   2006-02-19

bi married bottom on the west side of pensacola really wants to meet like minded men for really hot sexall you have to do is leave me contact info then just sit back and enjoy

2 評論, 222 瀏覽次數, 1 票 ,2.40 分數
sexonly112 48 雙性戀伴侶(女性及雙性戀男性)
21  文章
Bottom Looking for Top   2006-02-16

I am a bi-curious virgin looking for first time. For years my wife has a strap-on and a large assortment of dildos that she uses on me. My favorite sex and position is when she has the strap-on and gets on top of me, the feeling is unbelievable. She has literally fucked my ass for hours at a time and I just cant get enough of it. I am looking for a top guy with lots of stamina and ...

0 評論, 141 瀏覽次數, 4 票 ,5.57 分數
Buck7583 68 男性
102  文章
By The Grace Of God, Kiss My Sweet Florida Ass With Sunshine   2006-02-15

Howdy Cowboy’s: <br> <br> I’m feeling a little melancholy this Sunday morning at 9am, Charlie is sleeping and is as snug as a bug in a rug, it’s cold as hell here in North Florida this morning, it’s 22 degrees out and frost is all over the ground, I know 22 degrees and frost seams like a desired summer day to most of you all up there to the north dealing with the ...

0 評論, 88 瀏覽次數, 1 票 ,2.40 分數
BlackRussian 63 男性
34  文章
I Want To Make A Movie!!   2006-02-13

I just got this awesome plot idea for a movie and I really want to make it! <br> Now it isn't a porno movie necessarily but it does have to have some sex appeal to make it sizzle. But not every role involves nudity or sexiness so that part is up to you. You can make your role as sleezy or sexy or as innocent as you want. That's the creative part! But you have to read my lines, ...

0 評論, 113 瀏覽次數, 3 票 ,3.43 分數
Buck7583 68 男性
102  文章
The Weekend Is Here, Now What?   2006-02-11

Howdy Cowboy’s: <br> <br> Well another weekend is here, and it’s a cold North Florida day, 26 degrees out this morning and gloomy as hell, my dog ‘Buster’ is hating life right now, freezing his butt off outside, he’s my buddy tho, he’s a pit bull about a year old and funny as hell. So what the hell are we gonna do after the last foot ball game is played? The ...

0 評論, 117 瀏覽次數, 3 票 ,5.39 分數
ugik 41 男性
1  文章
Looking older   2006-02-04

Looking for older man 45yo and above ...i like to fondle , sucking , licking and can do what u like and me like ....hope i can find out playmate in this website..

3 評論, 391 瀏覽次數, 6 票 ,5.64 分數
Buck7583 68 男性
102  文章
Kick n It...As My Life Passes Me By !!!!!!!!!!!!!   2006-01-31

Howdy Cowboy’s: <br> It’s ole Bucky again; contemplating my life and still I come up with no reasonable determination as to why I have turned out to be this seemingly collective and mellowed individual in a world of so much uncertainty and skepticism, I love the mere fact that I’m here to talk about my life after all that I have been through, sense my early days as an ...

0 評論, 176 瀏覽次數, 3 票 ,3.43 分數
Needsumdic4 62 男性
1  文章
House Painting   2006-01-30

I had to have the outside of my house painted so last summer (August 2005) I decided to have it done. I hired this small local company I had heard about from a friend who used them. They came to my two story house on one of the hottest days of the year. <br> They got to my house about 7 a.m. I heard them setting up outside while I was still in bed, all the while I was ...

5 評論, 1151 瀏覽次數, 50 票 ,8.52 分數
ilcass 43 男性
2  文章
age difference   2006-01-29

Is it my imagination or do most mature gay men prefer a much younger partner for sex. Is this like a substitute for a woman in a heterosexual relationship, or what?

8 評論, 436 瀏覽次數, 8 票 ,3.71 分數
Buck7583 68 男性
102  文章
Cherokee Indian's Our Contribution's   2006-01-24

Howdy Cowboy's: <br> I would like to bring to light my proud "Cherokee Indian" heritage, my grandfather was a Cherokee Indian Cheif from the Eastern Carolinia tribes, and my mother is half Cherokee which makes me one quarter Cherokee. <br> We have a proud heritage and a colorful history in america, I have been entangled for some time trying to retrace my past root's ...

0 評論, 108 瀏覽次數, 3 票 ,5.39 分數
srid 42 男性
1  文章
how my professor seduced me and how i used different methods to erupt   2006-01-18

I was doing my engineering and one of my professors used to call me to the lab in the evening to do practical experiments.I used to go everyday after college hours to work in the lab and we both were only there.i was around 19 and he was around in his 40s .even though i was mastrubating, i was not into sex till then.one day, in the lab, he hugged me and i gave myself, assuming he is doing ...

0 評論, 626 瀏覽次數, 8 票 ,3.01 分數
oldsoul 83 男性
5  文章
Penis size --   2006-01-13

Hi -- The subject of penis size is always ongoing for men becoming adults. If you want to get a good overview of penis size, photos and information, go to a website that gives you a realistic view of penises both soft and erect -- (email me and ask where you can find this). It is a no-nonsense and good look at what REALLY is 'size' and what is hype. Each time I read the 7", 8", 9", 10", ...

2 評論, 596 瀏覽次數, 13 票 ,5.32 分數
ckfan8769 36 男性
1  文章
18 and Wanting To Live   2006-01-13

Ok my name is Jeff and I have recently came out to my parents. I thought that it was the good from then on. But as days go by, I keep thinking what do I do? There are no gay bars that I can go to and Im afraid to openly talk about it hoping some random guy would ask me out. How do I live the gay life? How do I get myself in to the ball game? How am I going to live my life as a gay man? All ...

1 評論, 424 瀏覽次數, 5 票 ,2.82 分數
Buck7583 68 男性
102  文章
January " A Time Of Reflection "   2006-01-09

Howdy Again Cowboy's; As January is on us, and as I now have a new reflection on my life, I have sat through many a morning lately and thought about my previous 50 years and wondered how I arrived at being 50 years old, and wondered how I am doing as a person. I do know that I have done many things in my life that I would rather forget, however I equally have done many things that I am ...

0 評論, 355 瀏覽次數, 8 票 ,3.94 分數
Buck7583 68 男性
102  文章
A Period In Time I wish To Forget..!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!   2006-01-09

Howdy Cowboy's: I thought I would try to analyze a period in my life today and try to put things into perspective. I am 50 years old, and divorced after 22 years, have two Son's as a result of that marriage, one that was killed in the Iraq War December 15th 2003, It was a difficult time for us but we are still working through it, I have been Gay my whole life sense I was molested at ...

0 評論, 284 瀏覽次數, 5 票 ,3.14 分數
debonair1987 31 男性
1  文章


0 評論, 815 瀏覽次數, 18 票 ,5.58 分數
SexyAntiguaButt 57 男性
6  文章
FIRST THREESOME   2005-12-23

Well, it was a Saturday night and, as was in evitable, I got horny again. So I called up my Lover to set up a sex session. Disappointments of disappointments… he had a visitor and could not accommodate me (in more ways than one obviously). He did say however I could call him back in a couple hours. <br> Needless to say I was in angst. No cock to suck, no cock in my ass. What a ...

1 評論, 972 瀏覽次數, 17 票 ,4.12 分數
Thript 31 男性
3  文章
Potato Salad: The Mysteries Of   2005-12-13

Through my life I have always wondered a few different things. Is there a god? I am truly a existent being or am I a figment of my imagination? What's with people and potato salad? Being that two of the aforementioned are obviously impossible to answer I decided to take on the subject of potato salad. <br> When ever potato salad rears is soft, white, and gooey head about it ...

0 評論, 491 瀏覽次數, 2 票 ,2.42 分數
Thript 31 男性
3  文章
Negatives of Greater Value   2005-12-13

Often many times in normal conversation one could be easily comparing scores for both sides of a debate (such as Cookies - 2, Wafers 0) when one of the members of the opposing debate team decides to try and be cleverly witty by stating your name and giving it a negative score in the hopes of insulting you. But is it in fact a true insult, or is he actually in a way commending you for a job ...

0 評論, 466 瀏覽次數, 2 票 ,3.81 分數
bodyglove2 39 男性
24  文章

This story is not meant to imply anything about the sexual preference of any of the actors involved and is pure fiction. and all of the material in it is purely fictional. <br> Please e-mail me if you would like to make any comments. I will take all suggestions and comments under consideration. If you would like to tell me how you would like the story to continue, please let ...

1 評論, 676 瀏覽次數, 12 票 ,5.10 分數
bodyglove2 39 男性
24  文章
my encounter in a Jeddah Shopping Mall Restroom.   2005-12-10

my encounter in a Jeddah Shopping Mall Restroom. <br> In 1998 I was 16, good looking. I went to Saudi Arabia to with my parents because they went to perform their pilgrimage (hajj). From the moment I arrived in this wonderful land I was in love with it. Deep in my soul I knew I had existed here before, I had walked this soil before without any doubt in another life. <br> ...

2 評論, 1048 瀏覽次數, 21 票 ,5.23 分數
ohioguy9 54 男性
1  文章
Teenage Friends   2005-12-04

When I was a teenager I was horny constantly. Every male friend I had turned me on looking at their hot bodies, wanting them. Some of them I hinted and worked on pscychologicaly until I got them where I wanted them. Which was to suck their dicks. One of my best friends, Rick, was always with me. We smoked pot together and just had a great time together. I worked on him hinting that I was ...

3 評論, 1444 瀏覽次數, 42 票 ,8.09 分數
TheDuke04 48 男性
1  文章
Cum Explosion   2005-12-03

I drove through the local park one day in the winter just recently. I've driven through this park many times and had a lot of great sex here. The day was very cold and snowing very hard. I spotted a foxy stud heading back to his truck from the restroom as I drove through. He was tall and had a medium build with light sandy hair. No other people were at the park. But, this park has a ...

2 評論, 3289 瀏覽次數, 159 票 ,7.78 分數
cdforfun69 40 男性
11  文章
I LOVE SUCKING COCK!!   2005-11-30


3 評論, 862 瀏覽次數, 11 票 ,4.48 分數
cdforfun69 40 男性
11  文章
has anyone had real succes from this site?   2005-11-30

i cant seem to find a guy that is perfect for me??? i have found a couple but when it comes down to meeting there is always an excuse???

1 評論, 523 瀏覽次數, 2 票 ,3.81 分數
XXXplorer05 70 男性
10  文章
Worth waiting for   2005-10-23

I'll never forget the first time Devin came to my apartment. We found each other on Outpersonals. I was looking for my first time with a black guy, he was looking for his first time with any guy. He liked the fact that I sounded safe and very discrete. I was pleasantly surprised that he was interested, since he is 6'4" and I am 5'6". But I wasn't at all surprised when he showed up as ...

0 評論, 798 瀏覽次數, 8 票 ,4.41 分數
deanofallon 51 男性
2  文章
The Trooper   2005-10-19

When I was 18, I was driving with my Grandmother from Florida to Connecticut. She would go down there for the winter and go back to Connecticut for the summer, so she would get someone to drive the car with her. I had spent two weeks in Deerfield Beach, a young blonde surfer from California. NO board, no waves, but I still had a good time hanging out at the beach that was about ...

2 評論, 1548 瀏覽次數, 32 票 ,4.36 分數
h3dron 38 男性
1  文章
New to the game...   2005-10-14

Hello everyone, I'm looking for some advice. I came to this site looking for something different than what I am used to. I went looking for a guy or couple of guys or more to have some fun with, and have apparently found some. Only they are about 12 years outside of what I had originally thrown up as an age limit. The two of them seem really nice, live pretty close and are willing to ...

3 評論, 939 瀏覽次數, 2 票 ,4.50 分數
SexyAntiguaButt 57 男性
6  文章
Best Fuck Session Yet!!! (Part 1)   2005-09-19

So I hooked with this guy on the 'net and made the date.. this was last Thursday. I get to the guys house and we sit and chat for a while about gay sex and what we have done... yada yada yada. Then things heat up. We go into one of the bedrooms and he shows me a couple new gay websites where I can hook with guys for sex. Needless to say I record them. Then I jump on ...

8 評論, 4189 瀏覽次數, 145 票 ,4.28 分數
jamesmarine 64 男性
28  文章
do the young men really want an old guy like me?   2005-09-13

I met a younger man about 40 this week, now on this site we emailed back and forth it was great it was cool and with a picture and a bunch of email I thought it was all so cool. But, in the end, when we finally met it was not as good as planned. i thought for sure he would have at least let me suck his cock. But, instead we just had an idle conversation over a burger and went our seperate ...

6 評論, 1053 瀏覽次數, 13 票 ,4.65 分數
00016 117 男性
9  文章
secret   2005-09-07

My very first time came when I was ten years old, it took place during summer and I wish I could forget but you know the saying the first last forever. My neigbor she goodlooking for the most part there was a little something different about her but I couldn't tell the differenc at that age, so one sunny after noon I heard strange noises coming from back of her house so like a normal ...

1 評論, 1653 瀏覽次數, 22 票 ,6.01 分數
Hotbottom1958 64 男性
2  文章
Genuine Handcrafted Italian Goods   2005-08-24

Italy has always been my favorite country to stop and relax in when I go on business trips. This trip I decided to try Venice for two reasons. One, I had never been there and two a tailor from one of the famous men’s clothing houses in Milan had set up shop there. He came highly recommended to me by a friend in London. <br> I arrived at my hotel in Venice and then got ...

0 評論, 809 瀏覽次數, 21 票 ,6.59 分數
dragonboi2 59 男性
3  文章
Hooking Up   2005-08-23

I realized something today. We’ve lost all our chemistry. All our feral heat. We meet people on line, arrange to meet at his or yours, have sex, go home. Well sometimes you’re lucky and you sleep over and get breakfast. WHERE IS THE EXCITEMENT IN THAT?!! I want the hunt! Cruising for the hot stud in the night club. The top intensely appraising the hot stud he wants, the bottom, ...

2 評論, 607 瀏覽次數, 4 票 ,3.63 分數
theBat3 64 男性
1  文章
First Time   2005-08-17

I work door to door, doing family Photographs anyway I was out door knocking, when this chap answered the door and said he was interested in a portrait of him and his partner. So an appoinment was made for the day after I arrived at 6pm next day wth all my gear and to my surprise 2 men sat in the living room. We started with some head and shoulder stuff then Dave the one who booked me ...

1 評論, 1257 瀏覽次數, 24 票 ,6.42 分數
lookingforfun623 56 男性
3  文章
e-mail it would be polite to respond   2005-07-27

i have sent out 20 or 30 e-mails, and have gotten only a hand full of responses.i think it would only be polite if people responded even if it was to say they were not interested.i know i would.it is the height of rudeness not to be polite.

0 評論, 1992 瀏覽次數, 5 票 ,4.45 分數
fun4usthree 63 男性
1  文章
Memberships   2005-07-26

Why doesn't OP offer a one month membership package? I believe that more standard members would upgrade to at least a silver membership if a one month membership were available.

3 評論, 338 瀏覽次數, 5 票 ,4.12 分數
restless05 50 男性
8  文章
Is he or isn't he?   2005-07-24

I met a guy a month ago, I'll name him Scott. In fact, i bumped into him during a party. I knew people he worked with, but has never met him before. During the time we were formally introduced, we just talked about almost everything. (Usually, I would get to the end of it but with this guy, all I wanted to do was talk). <br> At the end of the party, as I was returning with my ...

1 評論, 566 瀏覽次數, 8 票 ,3.71 分數
seekingslave 45 男性
1  文章
Joke   2005-07-23

A man was driving down an Alaskan road and his car broke down. He phoned the Alaskan Mobile Fixit Service and they arrived shortly after. <br> The service man opened the bonnet and after a while the repair man said " It looks like you've blown a seal ", the man replies "No, it's just frost on my moustache."

0 評論, 805 瀏覽次數, 7 票 ,3.30 分數
cali209 63 男性
1  文章
No Bodys Business But our own   2005-07-21

Well I am writting this for two reasons one is my comments to others that may think I am judging them which I am not. Having an opinion is one thing I live by a set of principles, morals and values. I don't expect others to live by them or care what rules they live by if it dose not effect me or my life. I have voiced my opinion on people who are married hooking up with men several times ...

4 評論, 378 瀏覽次數, 7 票 ,2.02 分數
Sweatycock 38 男性
12  文章
Circle Jerking   2005-07-13

I had my first circle jerk when I was seventeen and staying round a friend’s house in a group of five guys. We had started out by watching porn, but one by one we got our hardening dicks out and the room became loud with the squelch of precum. <br> We were all physically fully developed and most of the guys had really hard bodies that were being worked up into a masterbatory ...

0 評論, 809 瀏覽次數, 20 票 ,5.29 分數
Sweatycock 38 男性
12  文章
Football Shower Session   2005-07-13

I was playing football one weekend in my local gay team when I felt a draft around my crotch that really shouldn’t have been there. When I play football I play commando, just to avoid my underwear smelling of cock sweat when the game is done, which means that only a thin pair of shorts prevents my total exposure. I had just been through a heavy tackle and I was beginning to realise that ...

0 評論, 928 瀏覽次數, 23 票 ,7.45 分數
Sweatycock 38 男性
12  文章
Sleeping-over Hard   2005-07-13

I was staying the night on my friend’s floor whilst he lay jacking himself in his bed. He thought that I was asleep, but what he didn’t realise is that I knew his routine, it was the same every time. I was lying there wondering why he couldn’t leave his dick alone; there must be something very special about it, something irresistible about it, if he couldn’t leave it alone for one ...

0 評論, 627 瀏覽次數, 11 票 ,4.85 分數
Sweatycock 38 男性
12  文章
Barn Sex   2005-07-13

I was eighteen and labouring on a farm, for some summer cash, with the farmer’s son who was the same age. We had both been working hard for a month and our bodies were being shaped by the heavy work, I was really proud of my developing six-pack. <br> We were mucking around in a field one morning when I tripped and fell into a heap of festering dung. I knew that this was bad news ...

0 評論, 886 瀏覽次數, 17 票 ,6.94 分數
mochalisious 44 男性
1  文章
Not equipped with Gaydar   2005-06-08

So, I've noticed that I'm not the only one that doesn't seem to be able to tell when another man is interested in me or when another man is gay unless they are "flaming". Is there some tip to the magic of gaydar or am I just missing all the cues? I've read about other men who don't seem to be able to figure it out either. So, what do you do when everyone calls you attractive but you still ...

0 評論, 419 瀏覽次數, 6 票 ,4.50 分數
topgun1956 61 男性
2  文章
1st time for B&D " "   2005-06-08

I remember the night when this happened pretty well. I had coaxed my neighbor into a B&D scene. I think he was a "closet" Master from the start. But anyway, I had made sure I had cleansed my butt for the night with a couple of enemas. I had tied myself to a chair in my livingroom, blindfolded myself, and sat myself on my favorite dildo. I heard Mitch come in the front door, and walk up ...

0 評論, 799 瀏覽次數, 13 票 ,3.98 分數
rauten 72 男性
1  文章
First Time - First Discovery   2005-06-02

First Time - First Discovery <br> It was the summer of 1960 and I was eagerly anticipating the start of the next school year. I was finally going to be a high school freshman. The anticipated move opened a whole realm of new experiences because, in that time period, a young teenage boy of 14 was able to get a diver’s license, stay out later and have real dates with girls in ...

1 評論, 1097 瀏覽次數, 26 票 ,6.37 分數
needingmore1976 47 男性
5  文章
I guess I am lucky   2005-05-26

Here I sit in front of my computer. I just looked to see who has looked at me. Wow in a week more then I expected. so I look to see if anyone grabs my attion. Wait this is strange half the people that are looking at me are from the USA. (I am from Ontario Canada) Why is this, I have no photo's on my profile yet. I am not sure why this is, I will never figure this out.

2 評論, 420 瀏覽次數, 9 票 ,3.85 分數
needingmore1976 47 男性
5  文章
what to do?   2005-05-23

Today my wife said the weirdest thing to me <br> "I think you need to find a partner to have more sex with" <br> Little did she know I had put an add on out within the last couple of weeks even if she did mean another woman. but she knows I am bi as she is also. So I guess I am hoping that this works for me. <br> Cheers

1 評論, 524 瀏覽次數, 6 票 ,1.66 分數
NM_Vegan 57 男性
3  文章
Serious Topic: Monosexuality versus Bisexuality   2005-05-20

In a nutshell: Bisexuals are different than gays. <br> Okay I'm prepared to be flamed for this: I see responses throughout OP to bi's from gays who tell the bi guy he is really gay. If someone is bi, he is inherently different. When I was a teenager I did not what to call myself so I labeled myself "ambisexual, " because I liked (or was that licked?) both girls and guys from a ...

4 評論, 495 瀏覽次數, 14 票 ,6.50 分數
pretty_sam18 32 跨性別
26  文章
Thank you for your Friendship...   2005-05-10

Thank you for your friendship and your love. <br> However life may turn, this gift will be <br> A mountain that has made my river bend, <br> Nor will it flow the same way to the sea. <br> Knowing you is something I'm made of. <br> Years will not this part of me remove. <br> <br> One lives for just a brief eternity, ...

0 評論, 177 瀏覽次數, 2 票 ,2.42 分數
pretty_sam18 32 跨性別
26  文章
....   2005-05-10

x.. .s.T.a.Y._.h.A.p.i._.o.W.e.Y.z. ..x <br> <br> ~…tOo oFtEn wE UnDerEstImaTe tHe pOweR oF a tOucH, A sMile, a kInd wOrd, a LiStEniNg eAr, aN hOnEst cOmpLimEnt, oR tHe sMaLLeSt aCt oF cAriNg, oL Of wHiCh hAvE tHe pOteNtiaL tO tUrN a LifE aRoUnd…~ <br> ~…NeVeR tAke sOmE1 4 gRaNted, eSp tHe pErsOn cLoSesT 2 yEr hEaRt. cOz u miGht wAke uP 1 ...

0 評論, 209 瀏覽次數, 1 票 ,5.00 分數
pretty_sam18 32 跨性別
26  文章
A Friend...   2005-05-10

(A)ccepts you as you are (elieves in "you" (C)alls you just to say "HI" (D)oesn't give up on you (E)nvisions the whole of you (F)orgives your mistakes (G)ives unconditionally (H)elps you (nvites you over (J)ust "be" with you (K)eeps you close at heart (oves you for who you are (M)akes a difference in your life (N)ever Judges (ffers support (P)icks ...

1 評論, 161 瀏覽次數, 7 票 ,5.33 分數
headmaster205 73 男性
4  文章
Walk in the park   2005-05-09

It was a nice day 80 or so a good day for a walk. I went to the state park near where I lived parked my car and started down the path, there where people all around haveing a good time. I took the path that went in the woods. I walk a little ways and there was a small path that went in the thick part of the woods. I went down it after a bit anothere went off too the right it open to ...

0 評論, 1326 瀏覽次數, 16 票 ,6.36 分數
jazz05 72 男性
7  文章
chine town massage   2005-05-02

I was walking about chinatown and it was a hot afternoon and very busy , when I noticed this lift door . It was inset from the pavement , it had a sign for a bathouse . I was game so I pressed the button , the door opened and I stepped in and pressed for the top floor . when it arrieved an altenate door opened and I walked into what seemed like a jungle , there were trees . bushes , I ...

0 評論, 554 瀏覽次數, 7 票 ,2.53 分數
madboi24 44 男性
12  文章
free love   2005-04-29

I'am awnsering my own question I posted here awhile ago about free dating sites I found a great one where you can e-mail members and post your ad all for free the address is www.plentyoffish.com everything is free so those of you who can't afford a premium membership anywhere else check it out and happy fishing

1 評論, 401 瀏覽次數, 10 票 ,5.97 分數
madboi24 44 男性
12  文章
the straight guy   2005-04-13

I met this supposed straight guy awhile ago and our relationship has built up he says he iss straight I have even found him a girlfriend they broke up but I'am feircly atracted to this guy and we have done things that would suggest he is at the very least bi he has touched me where no straight man would he even let me give him a blowjob He says I love you but that it is plutonic and I ...

0 評論, 683 瀏覽次數, 10 票 ,2.79 分數
tultime04 54 男性
4  文章
Cum shooting   2005-04-11

Hey the other night I was just finishing off a guy and got him to cum. But when he shot his load, this slow lava like flow came out and then he cut loose with a blast of cum. I was not ready for this and got quite the facial. Anybody else had anything like this cum up?? What makes a guy blast cum out like Krakatoa??

3 評論, 923 瀏覽次數, 18 票 ,3.53 分數
suckitandsee3976 62 男性
1  文章
Shaved or unshaved   2005-04-02

What do you prefer? a nice smooth shaven cock or unshaved? I prefer to suck a nice smooth shaved cock whilst playing with smooth balls I have always shaved myself completley and I find it more sensative when someone sucking you or playing with you What do say?

9 評論, 528 瀏覽次數, 14 票 ,4.10 分數
drdivo 65 男性
7  文章
Why Gay Marriage is Important   2005-04-01

We have heard the moral and sociological arguments on both sides of legalized same-sex marriage, from our own community and its supporters. From a legal standpoint, there are many points not yet clearly made which require that we have the parity with mixed-sex marriages. Over my many years of professional work, I have seen many same-sex couples who have had basic, expected legal rights ...

1 評論, 148 瀏覽次數, 1 票 ,5.00 分數
like2lickclit41 52 男性
2  文章
What would the first time be like?   2005-03-30

Can you help me with a fantasy? It goes like this. I am in the shower and I hear a voice saying “do you need any soap?” Of course my answer is yes, but I also say “I need my back washed too.” So the shower is now for 2. He starts to soap up my back and I feel his hands, soapy and slick, start to roam over the outside of my ass. So turn a little to get comfy. A slick finger starts to ...

3 評論, 447 瀏覽次數, 7 票 ,4.57 分數
like2lickclit41 52 男性
2  文章
Fantasy Awakening   2005-03-30

While sleeping one morning and having an erotic dream or so I thought. I looked down to see you’re a hand caressing my stomach. I look over and you have that look on you face, you know the one. Like you had a great idea on how to start my day. I yawn, stretch and wipe my eyes. You ask “are you awake enough?” I give you a chuckle and say “not before coffee.” “This will be better ...

1 評論, 339 瀏覽次數, 4 票 ,4.80 分數
tucsonjock 59 男性
1  文章
Hike   2005-03-13

It was a beautiful day, with some snow on the ground but temperatures in the upper 40s. I was on a hike in Arizona's White Mountains, was mid-way through my trek when I had stopped to admire a bald eagle perched up in a dead pine tree observing the activity on a small lake on the edge of the woods. Although there had been a few cars in the parking lot, I hadn't seen anyone on the hike, ...

1 評論, 940 瀏覽次數, 29 票 ,7.25 分數
jazz05 72 男性
7  文章
shirt buttons lah ?   2005-03-10

I would leave the apartment about 6.30 and walk to my nearest MRT station , it took 10 minutes . even at that time in the morning it is hot and humid . I had started to dress down in this tropical climate . No jacket , no tie , far too hot for Singapore , far too humid. I had alsogotten into the habit of opening my shirt down to the top of my trousers , just to get some cooling . At ...

0 評論, 503 瀏覽次數, 6 票 ,2.80 分數
amblefty1 35 男性
1  文章
hey   2005-03-01

any one looking for a person to be a third....i would love to be the middle of two hung guys....let me know...

0 評論, 288 瀏覽次數, 6 票 ,4.79 分數
jazz05 72 男性
7  文章
school days   2005-02-23

It was always the last period of the last day of school week . All the rowdies sat at the back of the class . the old teacher who took the class for this last lesson would never venture away from his blackboard at the front of the class. I do not know who started it but somehow the whole back row decided to have a wanking race . I never seen such a vision , all 6 cocks out , hard and all ...

0 評論, 810 瀏覽次數, 7 票 ,4.57 分數
horneydevil4661 57 男性
5  文章
first time   2005-02-03

whats it feel like to finally have a hard cock up your arse for the first time

3 評論, 765 瀏覽次數, 10 票 ,2.59 分數
stachy85 81 男性
1  文章
Does A Profile Photo Really Help?   2005-01-30

If you're looking for serious friendship, not contacts for sex, is a profile photo more likely to persuade you to contact a guy? <br> I'm new to this site, but on others I found friendship, and my partner, from profiles that didn't have a photo. After all, a photo is only how a guy appeared at the time it was taken, how old is the photo, and is it really him? <br> ...

4 評論, 271 瀏覽次數, 2 票 ,2.42 分數
new_student_4u 38 男性
2  文章
getting caught   2005-01-19

I, m not out but I love gay sex mostly tv/ts. I bought lots shemale porn and a few dildos. Every day off of work, When my girlfrend was at work I'd lock up our house and dress up like a sluty little bitch, then I'd watch pornos and fuck my self silly. <br> It was one such day about a week before christmas I had just got a new flick and dildo and some awesome anal beads. After ...

1 評論, 946 瀏覽次數, 21 票 ,3.99 分數
Allan6921 70 男性
4  文章
Small Town Gays   2005-01-14

Living in a small town, I've noticed in the ads, that small town gays(STG)don't respond to other local ads.I think it's that "Small Town/Big Mouths" mentality that keeps us from meeting each other.I've tried to respond to locals, but since I get no replies back, I look outside my area, too.That's sad that so many STGs stay in the closet, even among ourselves.I am very discreet, so give me ...

3 評論, 423 瀏覽次數, 6 票 ,3.93 分數
dap0723 50 男性
2  文章
My land-lady's grandson   2005-01-07

I've lived in this small mid-western town about three years now. Not many people around here know I'm gay. It's one of those don't-ask-don't-tell kind of towns. My land-lady is very nice. She's always quick to make necessary repairs around my place and checks in with me periodically to make sure all is well. She tells me she likes to take care of her "good" renters who pay on-time, ...

2 評論, 1251 瀏覽次數, 58 票 ,7.70 分數
BJ304U 43 男性
4  文章
Virgin for the right Top.   2005-01-06

I've wanted to have sex with a man for about ten years now. I had hoped this site would help me hook up with someone nice but, man, I live in a small town, so it sucks. I hope there is a cool guy with a nice dick who is willing to travel. Is that too much to ask? The funny think is, I'm pretty cute so I thought it would be easy to meet someone online but, now I'm finding it hard. I ...

1 評論, 283 瀏覽次數, 6 票 ,2.51 分數
jackinhigh 35 男性
2  文章
Feelings of my first cock!   2005-01-05

I has my first cock about 6 months ago, and I'm crazy in love with the look and feel of a nice cock. It is uncommon to feel such an attachment or better to say a longing to get the chance to have a good a good cock to suck? Don't get me wrong, I'm not a dirty little boy, but I have got hooked on guy's cock, men of all walks of life. HELP. JM

2 評論, 838 瀏覽次數, 9 票 ,3.21 分數
Chaz1981 37 男性
3  文章
Hot Summer Threesome   2005-01-03

Things were going well for me – it was the summer, I was eighteen and I had just finished my A-levels. I was looking forward to taking time out from all of the hard work, but also to competing in the county leagues with the rest of the guys in my swim team – we knew we were in with a good chance. <br> It was a great time in my life and everything seemed to be going well. I ...

2 評論, 617 瀏覽次數, 12 票 ,5.98 分數
one4x4 49 男性
1  文章
first cock and want more   2005-01-01

well the first cock i had in my mouth was my cusin it was great and felt so good that after all these years that i still crave some cock but i can get my self to go meet a guy to fulfill what i am missing in my life i love to play with my ass and stick any thing i can find in it it feels so great and i get so horny and hot i have even pissed in my mouth and ate my own cum i just love to be ...

1 評論, 604 瀏覽次數, 9 票 ,3.00 分數
oda1964 52 男性
2  文章
Looking for a "Pimp" or Sex Master   2004-12-19

Hey guys I live in the St. Louis, Mo. area and I am looking for someone who can use me and SHARE me with his friends. I want to be traded, borrowed or sold. I want to be gangbanged. I am more than willing to please and be trained in pleasing you. This is a serious request. Please, no game players. If you are looking for a slut, then I am your man.

0 評論, 252 瀏覽次數, 6 票 ,1.09 分數
HottSurfer6969 29 男性
2  文章
First Day on Here, Like to say Hey!   2004-12-18

hey guys!! (and girls, if there are any) What's goin on? I was just wondering if there were any guys near Lowell MA that would want to hook up with a kid from Chelmsford, you can read my profile, I couldn't get the picture thing to work, but I'm not ugly!!! hahaha so just drop me a line, and hopefully i'll get some feed back

0 評論, 113 瀏覽次數, 3 票 ,2.45 分數
johan_411 43 男性
16  文章
Gay Marriage is Legal   2004-12-17

Marriage... Gay Marriage, why do we crave it, why do we need it? Marriage is something that is relative nowadays. Marriage is now just a big party, wherein a couple signs a document that says that they promise to love each other forver.... however, that is not the case, 50% of marriages end in divorce... so why is it that we ask for marriage when the statistics give us a 50% success ...

0 評論, 230 瀏覽次數, 5 票 ,5.43 分數
hardblower 47 男性
8  文章
assplay while u beat ur cock off?   2004-12-15

I wanted to see how many other guys get into playing with their ass using their finger or toys while they jerkoff. I can cum good without any of that but sometimes I do finger my ass and it always brings me to such a hot orgasm. Kinda new at trying cock since I've mainly been a Top but now that I have some experience I find that getting my asshole teased or having a fat head bouncing my ...

4 評論, 326 瀏覽次數, 12 票 ,5.10 分數
TexasBorderGuy 60 男性
5  文章
SOME CHUCKELHEADS..........Think there is LITERAY VALUE TO THESE POSTS......   2004-12-13


4 評論, 203 瀏覽次數, 17 票 ,1.29 分數
rick8icnhes 59 男性
1  文章
Sex In Da U.P. of Michigan   2004-12-12

Hi, For those of you that don't know this the Sensuous Arts Bookstore, in Escanaba, is a great place to suck cock, get yours sucked and more.... It is especially nice on thursdays when they show male XXX movies in their small, but quaint theater. They have several clean booths too most of which have a hole in the wall, for you know what. They have a store in Soo St. Marie, also. ...

2 評論, 338 瀏覽次數, 9 票 ,4.28 分數
TexasBorderGuy 60 男性
5  文章

I cannot place the Instance that DOES MAKE SOME SEX SESSIONS SO HOTT........While others are Just Good sex........NEVER HAD BAD SEX! Is it the place in time. The person being younger and Naive.........OLDER and Knowing which SPOT TO HIT AND HOW MANY TIMES TO HIT IT! What combinatiuon of LUST, Timeing, Age, Place.....OR WHAT OTHER FACTOS MAKE SOME SEX SO HOTT AND THE REST>JUST THE ...

1 評論, 87 瀏覽次數, 4 票 ,5.57 分數
learn69 53 男性
8  文章
Photos   2004-12-05

At this site, some post their photos, some don’t. Those who post photos, they either keep it "ordinary", or porno type. Here we get three type of participation in this respect. Which one do you think is the best? To make it more specific, let’s us say which one is best in serving the Add.? I think more than one answer would be responding to this question. Each would look at it from his ...

5 評論, 351 瀏覽次數, 16 票 ,4.01 分數
ozyjimbo 53 雙性戀伴侶(女性及雙性戀男性)
1  文章
time wasters   2004-12-04

time wasters and why do they bother to even have a profile up when they have no intention of wanting to meet someone all they do is give you the run around could it be they are made up from the owners of sites to keep their numbers up???

2 評論, 270 瀏覽次數, 4 票 ,5.57 分數
mempho04 35 男性
2  文章
General   2004-12-01

If a guy doesn't call you in a could of days but he told you that he liked you. Is he avoiding me?

3 評論, 336 瀏覽次數, 10 票 ,2.59 分數
likeitonback222 47 男性
1  文章
Big Cocks   2004-11-21

It seems like all the guys i have met have really big cocks which hurt are too big for my small ass. Why can't I meet a guy with a smaller cock that would feel nice and be able to fuck me like in gay porn?

5 評論, 407 瀏覽次數, 12 票 ,4.21 分數
156401 47 男性
1  文章
Thinking of a party in the uk   2004-11-19

Hi, 156401 here. I was thinking of holding a small party in the NW of England in the new year. By invertation only. free of charge, just bring a bottle. if you are interested then mail me with your profile and I may be seeing you very soon. Only intended for a very select few and at a small venue, so dont be to upset if you dont get invite. may be a started in the gay village in Manchester ...

0 評論, 140 瀏覽次數, 4 票 ,1.69 分數
tght14u 44 男性
2  文章
older guys   2004-10-26

I REALLY GET OFF ON OLDER GUYS..how do i get them to notice me more.i only had anal once

4 評論, 276 瀏覽次數, 10 票 ,3.78 分數
atticus1943 73 男性
2  文章
A Taste for Cum   2004-10-21

It had been five years since my first and only sexual experience with a man. In the meantime I had been married and divorced (my wife was actually good in bed, but I wasn’t ever completely satisfied). It had been several months since we broke up and I was very horny and willing to do just about anything for sex. I had recently discovered adult book stores. The ones with video booths ...

0 評論, 329 瀏覽次數, 25 票 ,6.89 分數
atticus1943 73 男性
2  文章
Washington Square Park   2004-10-19

It was so long ago, but I still remember all of the details. One summer evening I was sitting among a group of people listening to a folk singer by the fountain in Washington Square Park. While there I noticed a large man making his way through the crowd. He eventually sat next to me and started talking. Somehow our conversation turned to sex and he told me about his first homosexual ...

0 評論, 192 瀏覽次數, 14 票 ,4.74 分數
JakeShipton 30 男性
1  文章
Places to meet in/near St.Louis   2004-09-13

Does anyone know of any gay bars, clubs, etc. in or near the st.louis area?

1 評論, 175 瀏覽次數, 4 票 ,3.25 分數
robin1233 84 男性
3  文章
Guys Gear Swapping.   2004-09-08

What really turns me on and gets me rock hard is wearing another guys gear after he as been wearing it , especially Jock straps and briefs, also swimwear and kinky lycra, I write to a guy in Amsterdam and we swap gear all the time for two or three weeks and then return it with a note telling if anything had happened whilst wearing the gear while out cruisin or clubbing, and if anyone else ...

0 評論, 155 瀏覽次數, 14 票 ,4.58 分數
4everwas2short 43 男性
1  文章
Someday....   2004-09-07

I dream of the day when words like gay and lesbian lose their meaning, when our silly society finally gives up on the incessant labeling of all we see and feel. Our very language seems to be against us! There are words to describe EVERYTHING, and more words being created daily... And with this plethora of words it becomes so much easier for us to quantify and diminish anything! Oh yeah, ...

0 評論, 122 瀏覽次數, 5 票 ,3.14 分數
BoyNDrag 62 跨性別
1  文章
Answer To How To Become A Crossdresser   2004-08-27

I saw where someone had asked "How do I become a crossdresser?" Well, firstly, you don't just become a crossdresser out of thin air. Society will tell you that men or women who choose to be gay or lesbian are that way because they choose to be. If you ask a gay man or a lesbian woman about it, they'll answer that it wasn't a choice, it's just the way they are, and they way that they ...

1 評論, 380 瀏覽次數, 18 票 ,4.35 分數
curveddowncock 51 男性
1  文章
Erect cocks that curve Down not up.   2004-08-07

Ever since I first started seeing pics of cocks and then seeing them for real I've been worried because mine is different from all the rest. You see mine curves down like a banana when its stiff. It works fine and it still is good for fucking etc but I think it looks wierd and wish it was straight or curved up like some I've seen. <br> Mine is almost 8 inch long and about 2inch ...

0 評論, 157 瀏覽次數, 29 票 ,1.64 分數
00016 117 男性
9  文章
how does one go about being a cross dresser   2004-07-23

need some tips on cross dressing

1 評論, 215 瀏覽次數, 11 票 ,1.67 分數
sparky696969 63 男性
7  文章
how to keep uncut skin back   2004-07-11

 For years i looked for a way to keep my uncut skin back on my dick. My skin would not stay back like i wanted it to. At long last i have found a way. Go to a "ffarm store" or an auto parts store or any where else that sells black rubber "OH RINGS" . Try to pick one that will fit your dick just behind its head. You may need to buy several to get just the right size but no ...

2 評論, 402 瀏覽次數, 26 票 ,5.61 分數
rlh9367 36 男性
2  文章
hey sexy boys   2004-07-10

any sexy boys in the Michigan area that want to have a good time?? I am a hot 23 yo that is in some need of lovin'

1 評論, 138 瀏覽次數, 16 票 ,3.13 分數
niceguy744 43 男性
1  文章
The First Time   2004-07-10

I was living in Frankfurt, Germany, practically the gay mecca of this country, and my blood was boiling with lust. I suppose, until then, I was the perfect definition of straight. I frequented the clubs, chatted up the ladies, danced with em and sometimes got to fuck em. And believe me, those Germans- men and women- know how to have fun. But now, it's time. I was at this club ...

0 評論, 376 瀏覽次數, 32 票 ,7.37 分數
fnhotblnd 66 男性
8  文章
My first threesome   2004-07-06

My friend Ernie and I have been getting together for about a year now, and the sex is always incredible. He likes the top, and I love the bottom, submissive role. He's got a tasty, uncut, blk cock about 8", nice and thick.Anyway, I call him one night, he says he met someone who he would like me to meet. We discussed doing a threesome before, so I was game. He comes over and introduces this ...

0 評論, 490 瀏覽次數, 57 票 ,9.09 分數
hotguy2048872 34 男性
1  文章
bitch/slave   2004-06-30

Control me and make me kneel before you to be treated like the bitch you want. I would love to deepthroat a beautiful cock and shove it in my ass. I'm kinky and need a man to use me for his pleasure. Spank me and fuck me in my mouth and my ass until you are pleased to your full satisfaction. I like role-playing, and desire to be trained to deep throat on command, at the snap of your finger, ...

0 評論, 274 瀏覽次數, 16 票 ,5.63 分數
GildedAge 71 男性
9  文章
Gay Friendly Netherland's Antilles   2004-06-21

BON BINI from the GAY FRIENDLY NETHERLANDS ANTILLES <br> The five member isles of the Netherlands Antilles (Curaao, Bonaire, St. Eustacia, Saba and St. Maarten), are collectively the most gay friendly destination in the West Indies. Unlike the former British colonies of Bahamas, Turks & Caicos, Jamaica and Belize, which have all refused entry to gay cruise ships, the ...

0 評論, 106 瀏覽次數, 10 票 ,4.38 分數
GildedAge 71 男性
9  文章
The Gay Side of the Virgin Islands   2004-06-21

The actual word “gay, ” is virtually unheard. Rather, it is said a man has “sweetness.” To be inflammatory, he can be called an “anti-man.” <br> The word lesbian is never used, “bulla man, ” is the local term, something akin to dyke. Bulla is the softer term, but has been so totally appropriated by females in general that the meaning has blurred completely. ...

0 評論, 62 瀏覽次數, 7 票 ,3.55 分數
GildedAge 71 男性
9  文章
Liberty: Biggest Gay Resort in the World   2004-06-21

Queensland is a huge chunk of land comprising the northeast corner of Australia. At four times the size of California, the State of Queensland is traditionally sliced into more digestible segments for visitors to swallow. The upper coast is called Tropical North Queensland. Mainly, the peninsula that points like an extended finger from the fist of the Australian landmass toward the looming ...

0 評論, 92 瀏覽次數, 10 票 ,6.57 分數
GildedAge 71 男性
9  文章
Body LIne Baths----Brisbane, Queensland, Australia   2004-06-21

Bodyline Baths is located directly adjacent to a church where gay services are held, and the Brisbane Gay & Lesbian Chorus performs. I could open a window in the locker room and wave to my friends pouring out of church. Bodyline is situated in a large, non-descript two-floor building with reception, TV lounge, and locker room with small Internet lounge upstairs. Walk down to the spacious ...

0 評論, 118 瀏覽次數, 8 票 ,5.10 分數
GildedAge 71 男性
9  文章
Wet Sauna & Spa---Brisbane, Queensland, Australia   2004-06-21

Wet Sauna & Spa is Brisbanes premier all-male venue. A world-class spa with a magnificent enclosed swimming pool. The pool was formerly al fresco, but a roof was built over it as a hedge against the odd cold night. Theres a large Jacuzzi with powerful jets and the warmest water of any hot tub Ive sampled down under, but still cooler than stateside whirlpools. Wet facilities, including an ...

0 評論, 96 瀏覽次數, 4 票 ,2.08 分數
GildedAge 71 男性
9  文章
Wet On Wellington Sauna---Melbourne, Victoria, Australia.   2004-06-21

Boys will be boys the world over, and boys certainly like their baths. The newest in town is Wet On Wellington, better known by its initials, WOW. WOW boasts all the facilities and amenities party minded men demand. <br> The first feature you come in contact with is Wellie’s Boots, a chic restaurant owned and run by the same people, but a full-fledged eatery that could stand on ...

0 評論, 195 瀏覽次數, 4 票 ,3.25 分數
ilove68 60 男性
4  文章
seattle area glory holes???   2004-06-13

are there any glory holes in the Seattle area. i tried that "place" in Everett but last month they closed up all the holes! anyone know of another place? i would like to visit one soon. thanks

0 評論, 110 瀏覽次數, 5 票 ,4.77 分數
Arena 106 男性
2  文章
No reason for no photos!   2004-06-09

In this day and age of technology, along with good friends to go to for help, there is no reason not to have photos on your profile. I only have a half megapixel piece of crap I purchased for $15, yet I have photos on my profile. They are not the best of quality, but they are there! If you still cannot afford a digital camera, then borrow one from a friend. If you have a scanner hooked up ...

1 評論, 68 瀏覽次數, 18 票 ,5.17 分數
60firsttime 77 男性
1  文章
What % of men are Bi or Gay   2004-06-07

I have read that 85% of all men World wide have had m2m sex? Is this true???/ I don't know the % for each group, it was broken down to three groups. [1] Have had, [2] are having, or [3] will have in the next year.---- This is true for me. I was 5 when I sucked my first cock, the guy was 19 yrs old. { I was afraid to tell or I would get spanked-- this is a big thing to a 5 yeay old, that ...

0 評論, 164 瀏覽次數, 10 票 ,2.99 分數
1  文章
why do i prefer trannys other than woman or men?   2004-05-30

i feel so much attracted to trannys. my cock gets hard just spotting one in public. i cum so quick when fucking one and i'll keep fucking all nite. i dont like men , but a pretty woman with a nice cock does something to me. am i gay?

0 評論, 203 瀏覽次數, 18 票 ,5.03 分數
matrixhero123 42 男性
1  文章
my nighbor   2004-05-11

Well I'm a single browen male in 22old. The new neighbors that I became most fond of, was a black couple that lived next door. I would volunteer to help he and his wife with doing their yard work from time to time. I’d all ready noticed that his wife was a very attractive lady and she had a very athletic body, she had a brown skinned complexion, very shapely. She always wore a pair of cut ...

1 評論, 729 瀏覽次數, 58 票 ,7.94 分數